浜田 純平 Junpei Hamada
北海道出身。9歳からダンススタジオマインドでHIPHOP、jazz、コンテンポラリー等を学び、公演に多数出演。北海道学生ダンス連盟「spark」の平成25年度理事長を務める。また大学在学時より、本格的にコンテンポラリーダンス作品を制作し始める。横浜ダンスコレクション 2016にて「若手振付家のための在日フランス大使館賞」を受賞し、2017年1月より半年間フランスでレジデンスプログラムに参加、7月に帰国。
Junpei Hamada was born in 1991 in Hokkaido. He started hip-hop, jazz and contemporary dance at DANCE STUDIO MIND at the age of 9. He experienced a large number of dance project performances in Hokkaido. While he was in Hokkaido University, he joined a dance group called junction, and also he served spark, a Hokkaido dance association, as a chief director in 2013. He was selected as a finalist of Yokohama Dance Collection 2016 and won the “French embassy prize for young choreographer. In 2017, he had lived in France for 6 months and performed his solo at Lyon, Marseille and Vatan.