高橋 真帆 Maho Takahashi
栃木県出身。3歳より実家であるいわふねダンスシアターでバレエを、10歳よりコンテンポラリージャズを学ぶ。高校卒業後、Ballet Studio Partirに所属。日本バレエ協会公演や様々な舞台に出演する。2012年に単身渡英。コンテンポラリーやフィジカルシアターを学ぶ。13年スイスのBallettschule für das Opernhaus Zürichに1年留学。14年帰国。
Maho Takahashi was born in 1990 in Tochigi prefecture. She started classical ballet at the age of 3, contemporary jazz dance at 10 at her family’s own dance
studio. She trained at Ballet Studio Partir and has performed at Japan
Ballet association and theatre performances. Since 2012, she had studied contemporary and physical theater in the UK for 1 year. In 2013, she studied at Ballettshule fur das Openhaus Zurich.