東海林 靖志 Yasushi Shoji
北海道出身。HIPHOPカルチャーの影響で15歳から踊り始める。2006年「瞬project」結成を機に舞台活動をスタート。島地保武振付『藪の中』、森山開次振付『曼荼羅の宇宙』、カルメン・ワーナー振付『QUIEN ERES』、インバル・ピント振付 『ねじまき鳥クロニクル』 等の作品に参加。
Yasushi Shoji Born in Hokkaido. He started dance at 15 years old by influence of HIPHOP culture. In 2006, started his career of stage at the point of establishing 瞬project (Shun-project). He appeared on works such as “In the Woods” choreographed by Yasutake Shimaji, “Universe of Mandara” choreographed by Kaiji Moriyama, ”QUIEN ERES” choreographed by Carmen Werner, “The Wind-up Bird Chronicle” choreographed by Inbal Pinto.